Menopause Support

Struggling with peri/menopausal symptoms?

Not sure what is happening to your body and mind, or sense of self? Want to prepare for a positive, healthy and restorative menopause transition? If so, I can support you.

Caused by hormonal fluctuations as oestrogen levels drop, peri/menopause is a natural part of a person's healthy ageing process, yet 8 out of 10 women+ in the UK experience some menopausal symptoms. The most common are hot flushes and night sweats but there are many more, including brain fog, mood swings, anxiety, fatigue, weight gain and vaginal dryness, that are less recognised yet can have an enormous impact on our everyday lives, relationships, careers, physical and mental health, and sense of self.

Whether you suspect you might be in the initial stages of perimenopause (even if you are in your thirties or early forties) or have been experiencing menopausal symptoms for a while taking positive action and making changes now is a great and wise step.  Well-founded lifestyle choices can ease menopause symptoms and bring a renewed sense of self-belief and purpose. Working together we will utilise ‘Five Pillars to support a healthy menopause transition’ that is designed to help you identify areas for positive change and improve your physical and emotional wellbeing - even small changes can have a significant impact.

Wrapping around this support I offer menopause-specific massage therapy, reflexology, nutrition and diet planning and sleep consultancy. Each is offered as a single session or a package tailored to your needs. I am delighted that you are here ready to embrace a healthy and happy menopause transition.


Following a complete hysterectomy I experienced the extreme effects of a surgical – ‘cliff edge’ – menopause that went way beyond what I had been prepared for. To help control my symptoms I made changes to my diet, stress levels, exercise routines & sleep patterns that had a huge and positive impact on my body and mind. This experience led to me specialising in menopause support.

Five Pillars —Holistic Support with Vibrant Matter

Pillar 1: Exercise

One step at a time : work your way up to a regular exercise routine

Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to improve your physical and emotional health and wellbeing. The British Menopause Society recommend that aerobic exercise (walking, cycling, dancing) combined with weight bearing exercise (yoga and Pilates, weights or resistance bands, gardening) can help with strength, flexibility and stability. Regular exercise helps maintain bone and muscle mass and a healthy weight, lowers the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes, protects our brains from dementia, and produces endorphins that lift mood and lower stress. Exercising outside also exposes us to daylight which produces Vitamin D and helps regulate the body’s wake-sleep cycle, which promotes sleep.  

 In Pillar 1, we look at what types of exercise suits your circumstances, and you like! Working together we will make a one step at time plan that helps you work up to a regular exercise routine.

Pillar 2: Relaxation

Managing stress levels : lowering cortisol & making time for yourself

As levels of oestrogen and progesterone fall our protection from cortisol is reduced and its effects are felt more acutely. This means anxiety becomes a common peri/menopause symptom. In Pillar 2, we look at the importance of lowering cortisol and how this can be achieved.

To support this work, I offer menopause-specific reflexology and massage therapy.

Therapeutic Massage for supporting menopause transition. A deeply relaxing and therapeutic mode of treatment massage can relieve menopause symptoms, restore balance in the body and mind, resolve aches and pains, reduce stress and anxiety, and promote sleep. Reflexology for supporting menopause transition. Studies show that reflexology can: lower stress levels and improve quality of life; be beneficial for some menopausal symptoms including sleep disorders, hot flushes and vasomotor problems; be effective in reducing depression during menopause.

Pillar 3: Nutrition

Don’t diet : make healthy eating choices

As oestrogen levels fall, the body becomes less effective at breaking down carbohydrates. This can lead to an increase in fat storage in the body and combined with a slowing metabolism makes maintaining a healthy weight more challenging. An increase in ‘bad’ cholesterol over ‘good’ cholesterol contributes to an increased risk of cardiovascular events during menopause. So, menopause is a time to establish positive and sustainable eating habits and a balanced diet full of nutritious food.

In Pillar 3, we will look at what you are eating, the foods to cut out of your diet and the menopause-friendly foods to incorporate. For example, cutting out refined sugar, which fuel/heat the body can ease hot flushes and/or night sweats whilst consuming phytoestrogens can support hormone balance. We explore how to change eating habits by setting goals and committing to a balance eating plan.

Pillar 4: Sleep

Night : A time to relax and repair

During the menopause transition, sleep disturbance is common. This is thought to be associated with falling hormones but can also be affected by hot flashes or night sweats, anxious thoughts, lack of deep sleep, and frequent urination, all occur of which occur due to reduced oestrogen levels. Progesterone, which has sleep-inducing effects on brain pathways, diminishes in the menopause transition and melatonin, which controls our sleep- wake cycles, decreases and can further disrupt sleep. Too little sleep has detrimental effects on mental health, cardiac health, cognitive function.  

In Pillar 4, we look at how by making small but significant changes to your bedtime routine you can achieve good sleep cycles.  

 As well sleep consultancy, I offer a wrap-around services of reflexology and massage both of which can relieve fatigue and promote sleep. 

Pillar 5: Purpose

Take time : pause and reframe 

Well-found lifestyle choices can not only ease menopausal symptoms but bring a renewed sense of self-belief and purpose. Menopause can be a new beginning, a time press pause and take stock, a time to reframe who we are and what we would like to be for the next phase of our lives. It is a time when our sense of purpose can change enormously making it an opportunity for transformation and growth. In Japanese culture menopause is known as the ‘Second Spring’.

We spend large a proportion of our lives in and post menopause so, in Pillar 5 the questions we ask are: What do you want to be for the next phase of your life and how can you achieve that? What makes your heart sing and brings you joy and purpose?

Working together we use coaching techniques designed to support you find your purpose and step forward with confidence into your next phase of life.


  • Menopause is the cue to start looking after your body in a different way, and the massage and reflexology offered by Louise has helped alleviate both the physical and mental anxiety I've experienced during this time of my life. In addition to the physical benefits and support which Vibrant Matter offers through the menopause. Louise also provides a calm and safe space where you can honestly share your experiences and concerns about, what for many of us, is a monumental change in our lives. A change which, as a generation, we have often been ill prepared for.

    Helen — Client Testimonial

  • "My first visited to Louise was when I started to show signs of the peri menopause. I knew I needed help. Louise put me at ease straight away. She reassured me my symptoms are normal but everyone's menopause is their's and would be different to other women. We talked in depth. I left feeling positive I would cope with this with Louise's advice on diet and exercise. I've now been following this advice for 3 months and I'm in a much better place. Thank you x."

    Leanne — Client Testimonial

  • "Louise was fantastically helpful with putting my mind at ease and generating a nutrition and exercise plan that has helped to manage my perimenopause symptoms. Louise was brilliant at reassuring me that everything I was experiencing was just part of life’s next journey. I cannot recommend her support enough!”

    Lisha — Client Testimonial

  • "I came to Louise as I felt like I needed some advice about menopause, as a 35 year old woman, I knew I wasn't going through the change, but wanted some advice on what was to come and what might be happening in the lead up to that. Louise was more than friendly, super calming and really understanding. She listened to the challenges I was facing and gave me some great information. As a woman who has known her body for 35 years I was shocked at the things I didn't know. Louise put my mind at ease."

    Helen P — Client Testimonial

  • "Physically I have been feeling exhausted due to the effects of the menopause, Louise was recommended by a friend. I have always been drawn to reflexology so I went along. After a couple of session I began to feel healthier ... overall I felt balanced within myself. I would highly recommend Louise as she is friendly, professional and excellent at diagnosing areas within the body that are out of balance."

    Samantha — Client Testimonial

Get in touch with me for more information or to make a booking.